The Institute at Brown for Environment & Society (IBES) leads Brown's ECF initiative, uniting faculty for strategic climate research. Leveraging its unique interdisciplinary strengths and new Strategic Plan, IBES will support ECF with assets like communication staff and meeting spaces. However, ECF’s success also relies on deep partnerships among core units (School of Public Health, Climate Solutions Lab at the Watson Institute, School of Engineering, and Swearer Center) and sustained engagement of researchers. Once established, ECF’s structures and teams will position Brown for federal funding opportunities from NSF, NIH, and NOAA for climate solutions.
Equitable Climate Futures
Recognizing the value of strategic cross-campus synergies, the initiative is grounded in deep partnership between several Brown departments.
Recognizing the value of strategic cross-campus synergies, the initiative is grounded in deep partnership between several Brown departments.
Core Partners
Collaborating Centers and Departments
Collaborate with Equitable Climate Futures
Please get in touch via email at if ECF presents opportunities for collaboration with your organization’s efforts to advance climate solutions.